The first week in july we finally tested our new production line that we built last week from recycled material we got hold on and with some help from close by delivery of special made holder for the frames.
The assemble line has The capacity to build up to 14 bikes in a row and will speed up the demand we have at the moment and to be able to deliver to our partners in Europe.
This means that when we work by team we can do up to 25-30 bikes in a day depending on models we are building in high season.

Production of

We use beltdrive on many of our models
We build & assemble our bikes in Borås, Sweden. Here you can come and visit us and the customers have the possibility to change the bike components and we can even customize colors on frame.
We are different too many brands out there as we do not make mass production.
We do not make crowdfunding/kickstarter stories as we make this from our own pocket.
We have many different models in our brand which make it easy to find an ebike that suits your need needs.
Feel free to contact us if you want to know more. / Wafacrew

Assembleline made from reused material